Tag Archives: kate sullivan-jones

I’m still here.

28 Jul

my super-stylish bachelorette party

So, I’ve been the laziest blogger ever. Here’s what I’ve been doing instead of writing:

  • Playing bass with the Outfits. We are playing at Picnic Music and Arts Festival on August 27, plus we got a really nice write-up in the Phoenix’s Wax Tablet. I’m psyched about this new column, and not just because they wrote about my band– this is a great alternative to the press-release heavy column Sibilance, and is clearly written by someone who cares about the Portland music scene.
  • Working at Ferdinand! Come see me on Sundays from noon til 5, and stay tuned for details on the Ferd’s 10th anniversary bash! Also, check back tomorrow for a post on the amazing shirts Althea and I got there.
  • Working at the new Pinecone+Chickadee store on Free Street (next to Find). This store has all of the classic P+C shirts, onesies, and cards, as well as vintage housewares, wooden toys, jewelry, prints by Kris Johnsen and other local artists, Ferdinand shirts and cards, and a random assortment of cool things found by Wary Meyers. We will soon be expanding our photography section with vintage cameras, but right now we have camera kits and cyanotype paper and fabric.
  • Selling my jewelry at the Merchant Company on Congress Street. I share a table with Little Eye and eden natural bath and body. The Merchant Company is like an indoor, year-round craft fair/flea market. The whole place is jam-packed with insanely cool stuff that I am trying very hard not to buy, since I have to buy a stupid car instead.
  • Selling my jewelry at Find, a store that never has a window display without at least two items I desperately want.
  • Getting married. Mike and I got married on May 31 in our apartment.

    Photo by Audrey Hotchkiss

    Photo by Kristina Balbo, who also married us and helped me pick out rings (seashell cat and orange peace sign)


23 Jan

If you want to keep track of the different places I post my writing, see some of my photography, and look at adorable kitten GIFs, please visit my tumblr.

most of my photography does not consist of lousy old Polaroids of my cats, but come on, GirlWalter is adorable

write on

18 Aug

I had so much fun reading last night at Scratchpad. I met some nice writery folks, drank a beer that wasn’t Miller High Life or PBR and actually enjoyed it, and people totally laughed out loud at my piece and clapped for me! I might post the shorter piece on this blog later in the week, even though it has nothing to do with clothes.

I know I talked about my dad’s book to some people after the readings were over, so here’s a link to his website so you can buy his book and read the sex scene that traumatized me for life. Thanks a lot, Dad.

Seriously, though, I really enjoyed his book, and just knowing that he wrote a novel is comforting to me. Usually, I think about people writing novels and I feel tired in the same way that I do when I think about people doing triathlons. Knowing that my dad wrote an entire book while still having a job and a social life and being super in love with my mom gives me hope for my own future in writing.

Now get going on that sequel, Dad, because I wanna know what happens next!