Tag Archives: dress

New Year

29 Dec

I bought two awesome things from Urban Outfitters with my Christmas money. I hope they get here by Friday, but I don’t know which thing to wear to the party.

I would wear these with textured tights, a lace shirt from Material objects, a studded bra, and my sister’s tuxedo jacket.


I’d wear this dress with a gold belt, black tights,and my Christmas boots:


the haunted dress

2 Sep

Here’s a dress that Greg pulled out of his attic for me:

When Samantha and Greg moved into their house, they discovered a few suitcases and boxes full of old dresses in the attic. Greg was convinced that the dresses were haunted, but he still let me come over and take them.

This one is my favorite, but I’m not totally sold on the length. Should I hem it to just above the knee? I would appreciate input on this important matter.

There are way more dresses, most from the 1950s according to fabric store receipts we found in the boxes. I’ll post pictures of them someday when it’s not too hot to wear clothes. Most of them fit me, and they seem to be in great condition now that I’ve washed decades of attic dust out of them.

Thanks Greg and Sam, for the dresses, for the delicious burritos, and for having a super fun belated wedding reception! You guys are awesome.

cute stuff you might actually be able to afford: blue and yellow

20 Jun

I made this set on Polyvore with items that are fifty bucks or less. I’m thinking I might make this a regular feature, because even though fifty dollars is more than I usually spend on an article of clothing, some of the stores that are featured here have good sales, and I will use any excuse to make these silly collages.